Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Best of Both Worlds- the Secret Star's

The girls rocked! We started out with Hannah Montana trivia, those who answered correctly got to pick a pillowcase dress. On the hanger of the dress was a number, once every girl had a dress the girl with the lowest number was first to get a gift box and choose a hair bow. You would not imagine how long it took them to choose a dress. They were actually shopping. I was thrilled. Gabriela had no idea. Not only that they all had to go and change into there dress before trvia was over. Some of them actually returned there dress for a more flattering color. It was great.

Ah, The rock star cake. It looked really good and it was chocolate and I did not get a piece. Oh the horror.

The Secret Star herself. Yes, this thing is 4 years old. Watch Out! This was her pose--no one coached her. (Pray for me, cause this thing is a hot mess!)

This is what is left of 23 pillowcase dresses and 12 bows. There are 9 happy little girls out there in the world.


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