Thursday, October 9, 2008

My Meal Option

Thank you picklesandpomegranates for your ideas. Here is what I have done;
Once we recieved power after Gustav, I made recipe cards. I went through the cabinets and freezer to see what I had on hand to make. For everything I had I made a recipe index card. For example I had everything to make chili and tacos so I wrote a card for those. I put the ingredients on the front and wrote out the directions on the back.
My goal was to make enough cards for meals for 2 weeks. I found other recipes in books and wrote them on the cards. If I already had some of the ingredients, I marked them in pencil.
I then took the cards to the grocery store to buy only what I really needed for the next 2 weeks. Saved a great deal of money!
Then I gave the 14 cards to my husband and asked him to pick what he wanted. He choose to pick 3 at a time.
This saved a great deal of time that we would have spent agonizing over what to cook? What do we have? What is that at the bottom of the freezer? Why did the lunch meat go to waste?
What do you do? Visit Renae and share your ideas.


Renae said...

I'm so glad you were inspired. That's a great idea!

I think I do better with paper. I still like the idea of using Google calender, but I haven't done it yet this month. I'm on the computer so much anyway...

Thanks for sharing your ideas. And maybe this will motivate to post some more recipes on Pickles and Pomegranates. I tend to forget about that blog. :(

Peace to you,
Life Nurturing Education


The recipe cards sound like a good idea. I'm one of those who agonize over what to make for dinner the next day and often let the lunch meat go to waste. I need to get more organized with my meal planning.

Kelli said...

What do we do? Well, I sit and ask my family to name dishes we eat that they enjoy. I make a "menu" for the next two weeks. When I go to the store I only buy what is needed for those two weeks and the sale items that we use frequently. (I stock up when things are on sale and I have coupons for those items.) It's worked really well for us. We hardly ever have food go to waste and I have a clear plan on what I'm making.

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