Thursday, June 14, 2007

Two Time Loser....

As I sit down in my recliner to relax, Big Daddy is looking upset. I ask him "What is going on?"

He has had an argument with the two year old, Pretty Pink Princess.... he has lost.

Bid Daddy is hesitant to explain the situation for fear of further frustration or for the simple fact that his pride has once again been stepped on by his little girl. My four-year-old son, whom we affectionately call DeGeneration X or Little DX is eager to tell the story.

"Sister was not listening, Big Daddy told her to put her shorts back on and she ignored him."

Thank you Little DX for explaining the madness. And in comes the Pretty Pink Princess with her shorts on her head. Her head is through the waist of the shorts and her little face is peeping out of a leg hole. She gracefully eases down the hall into the living room where the rest of the family is sitting. She announces her presence by stating "LOOK, I put my shorts on". Little DX can not hold his composure. He is laughing hysterically. He is sitting with Big Daddy who is trying his hardest to look like a disciplinarian.

Pretty Pink Princess begins to roar and strike at the air with her claws, all the while looking like Little Pink Riding Hood through the leg hole in her shorts. I am holding a cover over my giggles because once again she has showed Big Daddy up. She has indeed done what he has asked her to do, 'put her shorts on'. This is such a hilarious scheme by a two year old. Big Daddy is now crying he is laughing so hard. Who can punish that?

I guess this means the crown and the belt goes to: Pretty Pink Princess!!!!

....this is family time.


Deborah said...

way to go ppp. I love your blog and will be back for sure. love always me

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