Saturday, November 1, 2008

Girls Day at the Spa

I received a spa package from my lovely sister for my birthday in September.....2007. Yes, aren't I horrible? The problem was that I did not want to go by myself so I waited till her birthday rolled around in April...2008 and I bought her the same package so we could go together. Here we are a year later and we finally made an appointment.

We get to the spa @ 9am and since we both opted out of the massage (I had a staph infection and Amy wanted highlights - as if she needs more hair color) and we started with a facial.

Now, I had never had a facial so I did not know what to expect. I was thinking of a green mask and cucumber eyes. There was only one facial lady so I went first. We were to get a half hour facial and since Amy brought her camera she asked to go with me to take pictures or watch (she just wanted to blog it I'm sure). We were told that there was only room for one person in the room and that she could not come with me so you can imagine how bad it freaked me out when I walked into the room and saw a chair sitting at the foot of a nicely made table were I was to lay.

Furthermore the facial lady told me to take my shoes off and lay on this comfy table where the blanket and sheet was pulled back for me to climb under. Then she says "if this were a full hour facial, I would have you remove your top also". Hello, its my first facial and you have already lied to my sister about having room for her in here and you mention me undressing with you in this back room. Okay, maybe I was over reacting but I was horrified!

Now I must relax while some weird facial lady massages my face with oils and suffocates me with steam. It felt great, really... I relaxed enough for her to think I was sleeping. She woke me up and made me a glass of water and told me to take my time while she left the room. Are you kidding? I gulped up the water and got out of the back room so fast. If there is a next time then I will know what to expect but I was just too freaked out this time.

So I get back to the waiting area just in time to tell my sister, "there is a chair in there...good luck". I hoped I freaked her out.

Half an hour later she was done with her facial and we were off to get manicures and pedicures. The manicure part was great but I was concerned about the pedicure part. My toes are horrible and I hate for someone else to handle them. Luckily, the lady I was with was really good and she made me feel comfortable. She said she had a few ladies that come in regularly and that they pick at their feet and compared to them, mine were in good shape. The pedicure also included soaking my lower legs. It was refreshing. She also gave me a tip....If you put Vaseline on your feet at night and were socks over it, you can maintain your soft pedicured feet.

Next was lunch. We both ordered a Chicken salad which came with bread (Amy's favorite part of the meal). We actually switched half way through. I gave her my bread and I finished her salad. We are strange.

Next was our hair. Amy's person loud capped her for having box color in her hair (if only she knew how much). Whew, good thing all mine grew out cause she would have been reported. The rest of the day we were with our hair stylist, who was also our makeup person.

I had my hair cut short and asked for red low lights. I think I scared my stylist when I asked for red. She kept saying what do you mean red? Okay, maybe it was me again, but I thought red was one of the primary colors. Finally, Amy's stylist, who had bright read lowlights, walked by and she said "do you mean red like that". "Yes, that is it" I told her. Then she asked her for the color number and she rambled off some numbers and my stylist just kept repeating them and I just kept praying she knew what she was doing. She looked really confused.

She mixed the color and kept asking me "red, are you sure, red?" What planet did we land on this morning? Is there a whole other language and thought pattern for spas? I can't even see my sister, what is going on in this place? Yes, RED, I am going to love it I told her and I will not blame you if I don't. I will blame Amy's stylist. HA HA!

I felt better when I was under the heater and the man that owns the place walked by and told me "don't worry you are in good hands, your stylist is an artist". Back at the chair she was still saying "oh, this is really red" "I hope you like red" "It came out really good".

I told her I loved it and I really did. She did not cut my hair as short as I wanted it in the back but I did not say anything. I did not want her to freak out on me again, so I dealt with it. She styled it and we were off to get our makeup.

She really did a nice job on my makeup. I was kind of nervous cause I was watching Amy get her makeup at the same time. That girl was putting some wild blue color on her eyes and she did not have enough coverage on her face. There was also some great tension between Amy's stylist and every one else that worked there. She had some kind of chip on her shoulder. Anyway, my stylist just kept telling me about how wonderful the products were and how she had so many problems with her skin till she found this stuff. Blah, blah, blah... I am not a big cosmetic person (although I was actually a consultant for MK) I am not paying $60 for foundation. Sorry, I just nodded my way through it.

So we were off, but not before paying and Amy mentioning that I could buy her a Chi flat iron for Christmas. Whatever! Who spends that much on a flat iron? Not I! So if any of you out there want to make a sister happy, a Chi is the way to do it.

To the car where I tell Amy to take off her blue eye stuff as a grab my flip flop Crocs. My Crocs were about an inch too big before they sat in the car under the humid La. sun. Now they fit perfect.

We were going to catch a movie which didn't start for another 2 hours later so we stopped by the book store for some coffee and reading. Well, she read while I talked about our adventure. I did find this book on the shelf, which caught my eye. "Kiss My Math" Showing pre-algebra who's boss. Who actually buys this stuff? I mean that is exactly how I want to entice my children into learning math!? What??

We went see Eagle Eye starring Shia LeBeouf. We were on the edge of our seats the whole time. That was a great action packed movie. I would recommend it.

Now back on planet Earth, it has taken me a month to write about this. Don't we look cute! Minus the blue eye junk.

Amy should get around to posting her side of the story. Visit her side of the spa at


Amico Dio said...

We are so not strange but I do think the next big horror movie will be entitled, "The Chair."

ya think?

We should do this again soon. It was fun!

my version is here: Spa Girls Or Something Like That

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